Ditching the minivan for a Lamborghini!
In this article about the new Lamborghini SUV, there really anything newsworthy from a thematic viewpoint. Frankly, we just wanted to fill up the page with some awesome Lamborghini pictures!
We could stretch this into a proof point for our new Emerging Ultra Wealth thematic, but really all this says is that this VW division is trying to sell more cars by targeting women with an ultra-priced SUV. (Well, then I guess we did just find a way to tie it into the Emerging Wealth theme — Lamborghini, call us and schedule a test drive!)
Our opinion on this new Urus — the Lambo SUV — is any Lamborghini with more than 2 seats isn’t really a Lamborghini. So our official analysis is booo! Lambo’s CFO could probably run us through the numbers and the Chief Marketing Officer will make a brilliant case for why the segment extension makes sense and the “numbers are all there”. We can hear it all now . . . but no, bleh, we don’t like it!
But if they want us to test drive the Urus, we’re glad to do it and compare it to how the Aventador handles! Lamborghini, you can call us anytime to set something up. We’re open to having our minds’ changed on this.
Now, some more car porn (including the hideous Lamborghini SUV (which is gorgeous looking, but it is actually an SUV from Lamborghini, so we hate it!)
With new leadership and an SUV on the way, the supercar maker is eyeing a segment in which it has traditionally been weak.
Source: Lamborghini Pivots to Target Women and Families – Bloomberg