Food Network teaming with Instacart shows increasing reach of e-commerce 

Food Network teaming with Instacart shows increasing reach of e-commerce 

Following Amazon’s Prime Fresh and Walmart’s teaming with Uber and Lyft for grocery delivery, the intersection of Content is King and the Connected Society is driving a shift in where and how people buy groceries and ingredients. Much like other industry shaking events associated with the Connected Society, this will have a profound impact on both a direct and indirect basis.

xpansion of online fulfillment availability is giving retailers new avenues for selling goods via the Internet.Food Network is teaming up with Instacart to integrate the online grocery delivery service with the Recipe Box and Grocery List features available on and The offerings allow consumers to search for online recipes and then create and share shopping lists of the necessary ingredients.

Source: Commentary: Food Network offering shows increasing reach of e-commerce | Chain Store Age